Facial palsy, also known as facial paralysis, is a condition that affects the muscles of the face. It occurs when there is damage or dysfunction of the facial nerve, which controls the muscles responsible for facial expressions, speech, and eating.

Operation Process
Accommodation 7 Days
Hospital Stay 1 Night
Operation Duration 1-3 Hours
Anesthesia General Anesthesia

Facial palsy can affect one or both sides of the face, and can range from mild to severe. Some common causes of facial palsy include:

Bell's palsy: This is the most common cause of facial palsy, accounting for about 60-75% of cases. It occurs when the facial nerve becomes inflamed, causing weakness or paralysis on one side of the face.

Trauma: Injury to the head or face can damage the facial nerve and cause facial palsy.

Infection: Certain infections, such as shingles, can affect the facial nerve and cause facial palsy.

Tumors: Tumors in the head or neck can put pressure on the facial nerve, leading to facial palsy.

Symptoms of facial palsy can include drooping of the mouth or eyelid, difficulty closing one eye, drooling, and difficulty making facial expressions. Treatment for facial palsy depends on the underlying cause, and may include medications, physical therapy, or surgery. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional if you suspect you may have facial palsy.

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The type of surgical procedure used for facial palsy depends on the severity and cause of the condition. Here are some of the surgical options for facial palsy:

Facial reanimation surgery: This is a procedure that aims to restore facial movement in cases of permanent or severe facial palsy. The procedure involves transferring muscle or nerve tissue from other parts of the body to the face to restore facial movement. There are several types of facial reanimation surgery, including nerve grafts, nerve transfers, and muscle transfers.

Eyelid surgery: Facial palsy can cause weakness or paralysis of the eyelid, leading to difficulty closing the eye and protecting the eye from injury. Eyelid surgery can help correct this problem and protect the eye. Procedures may include tightening of the eyelid muscles, repositioning of the eyelid, or use of a gold weight to help the eyelid close.

Brow lift surgery: Facial palsy can cause the brow on one side of the face to droop or sag, affecting the appearance of the face. Brow lift surgery can help raise the affected brow and restore symmetry to the face.

Buccal fat pad suspension: In some cases of facial palsy, the cheek can become sunken or flattened due to loss of muscle tone. Buccal fat pad suspension involves repositioning the fat pads in the cheeks to restore fullness and volume to the face.

Salivary gland transfer: In cases where facial palsy affects the ability to close the lips, salivary gland transfer may be used to improve lip closure. This involves transferring a salivary gland from the affected side of the face to the opposite side, which can help improve lip closure and prevent drooling.

It is important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon or facial nerve specialist to determine the best course of treatment for facial palsy. They can evaluate the individual case and recommend the most appropriate surgical procedures to help restore facial function and improve quality of life.

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