Personal Data Protection Law Explicit Consent Text

Personal Data Protection Law Explicit Consent Text

Within the scope of the Clarification text on the Protection of Personal Data shared with you by Truself Sağlık Turizm ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri Limited Şirketi (TRUSELF), your explicit consent is requested in order for your personal data processed by TRUSELF to be processed in the following ways, except for the existence of the situations specified as processing conditions in the law:

·Identity Data, Contact Data, Health Data and other personal data I have shared will be transferred to authorized persons or authorized services and authorized public institutions and organizations during the process of receiving them via the contact form on the TRUSELF website,

· Driver's license containing information such as Identity Data, Contact Data, Health Data, Visual and Audio Data and other personal data I have shared, such as name-surname, TR ID number, nationality information, mother's name-father's name, place of birth, date of birth, gender, documents such as accommodation, hotel, travel information, identity card and passport, as well as tax number, SSI number, signature information, telephone number, health data shared for diagnosis and tests for the medical procedure to be performed, address, e-mail address, fax number, Information such as IP address, etc. To transfer my information to authorized public institutions and organizations and to institutions/persons from whom TRUSELF receives services on human resources, financial and/or legal etc. issues,

My personal data regarding records and documents received upon entering the physical location and during my stay in the physical location; Processing and transferring camera recordings and records taken at the security point,

Identity Data, Contact Data, Health Data and other personal data I have shared will be transferred by TRUSELF to third parties that provide relevant survey services for this purpose, in order to measure customer satisfaction,

Processing of Identity Data, Contact Data, Visual and Audio Data, my photo and video images and other personal data I have shared within the scope of pre- and post-advertising, pre-launch and post-launch research and promotions, and their use in this context on the internet, social media and other media channels. including and transferring it to market research companies,

Identity Data, Contact Data, Health Data, Professional Data, Financial Data and other personal data I have shared will be processed during the process of transferring the campaign definitions to me in order to increase participation in Sales / Service campaigns, and within this scope, they will be transferred to the dealers and agencies whose services are used,

In accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, I have been informed about the purpose for which my personal data will be processed by TRUSELF, to whom and for what purpose the processed personal data can be transferred, the method and legal reason for collecting personal data and my other rights listed in Article 11 of the Law. In this context, I have read and understood the Clarification Text presented to me. Before, during or after the provision of the services offered by TRUSELF, all my personal information and images taken from me with my consent by TRUSELF or shared by me with TRUSELF may be used by TRUSELF in accordance with the law, both for legal requirements and for scientific and technical researches, all kinds of communication, internet, I consent to the processing, including the use in social media and other media channels, to be saved indefinitely, to be stored in written / magnetic archives, to be used, to be changed, to be rearranged, to be disclosed, to be classified, to transfer my information abroad, to make it accessible and to be processed in other ways.

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